Saturday, November 30, 2019

November Randomness (Part 1)

November was another fun full month....captured in some random pictures, which were so many that it had to be broken down to a couple of blogs (Part 2 here).  Including a great (and yummy) time with friends!
Kids table, time to get your eat on!
While daddy was out with the girls one night, I had a little date with Ezra, his choice, Pelicans.
One handsome little dude, one picture was just not enough!
It was a quiet, and somewhat chilly night, so we had the place to ourselves. 
Ezra had to try out all of the swings.
Beach busted out his cheesecake skills to make a cake for a good friend who appreciates his skills, as do I.  
This season has seemed to be filled with many doctor appointments.  This time it was Shiloh's turn.
She had been complaining about her heart hurting for months, so we finally were able to get into see a pediatric cardiologist.  After some testing, we did discover that she had a small value issue (a separate matter),  "nothing that would cause her a problem until her 70's" (but we will continue to monitor).  The pain that she would complain about was likely just a form of growing pains, thank goodness.  
Shiloh requested that we head to the top of the parking garage afterward where we got a nice view of downtown. 
I requested that she take a picture with me!
After school library fun with friends!
Turkey making edition.
My two little turkeys that wanted to participate.
When Shiloh learned that the next holiday was Veterans Day, she was all about making something patriotic for everyone in her class!
While they don't happen nearly enough, some days call for "coffee" treats at the park. 
It's fun to play drive through for our future baristas.
The Run Hard season at the kids' school ends in a massive 5-K with all the other kids in the area.  It was quite cold that morning with temps in the 30s.
Lauren volunteered to be Zoe's running buddy again. 
This was Shiloh's first race.  She represented, with her friend, the 2nd graders in the group. 
I was her running buddy (which was nothing like I expected).  I was a bit nervous on if I could keep up, as I had not been training as she had.  However, a minute into the race, I knew it was going to be a challenge of a different sort, as she was ready to quiet and needed quite a bit of cheerleading the whole time.   
But they did it and both were happy with the experience (one's highlight was the medal and the other was that she found a scrunchy along the way). 
Bright sun finished photo (that I made them take obviously).
And one with the momma!
Then it was off to party at HiWire.
We love celebrating our good sweet buddy!
Thankful to have some trails in our backyard.
When taking a trip with Beach to a Doctor's appointment out of town we had a short pit stop. 
Such a cute patient!
Stone Soup making at school for Ezra (and it was PJ day).
Going on a fine date with my fine man.
Secret Shopping is such a fun way to splurge.
One Saturday morning the kids were all being sweet with snuggles in Shiloh's top bunk (so I had to document the calmness). 
It's been awhile (like years) but I was able to make it back to a food and craft swap! 
My sweet Zoe begged to join me in the fun.  She did a great job and found some treasures for herself as well. 
I would say we had a great haul!
The long anticipated chili cook off event, and Shiloh had a clear winner, Kara! 
Kara had a great technique in lining up all the competitors. 
Beach was quick to follow suit!
This was as close to the chili as Joe would get.
Sorry, Lauren, the only picture of the host for the night, your still gorgeous!
When the littles weren't being to crazy!  We tried to zombie them into a movie.
My indecisive self just couldn't decide on a chili I noted I would only vote if there was a tie.  No need, though, as Beach came away with the win.  And a bean trophy and shirt to prove it!  
(The rest of November here.)

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