Saturday, November 30, 2019

November Randomness (Part 2)

 The rest of all the fun of the month (Part 1) is here
I love that mom is now retired and gets to go to the littles school, which she does often to help in the classroom.
Sunday night cousin crazy activities are always a must.
I have a fabulous friend who is also a fabulous hair dresser, so one Saturday morning all the kids got much needed cuts!  A first for Shiloh.
Some were more thrilled about the process than others.  (Momma forgot an after shot.)
Cousin co-op swap and these littles sure do like to read!
Snack break!
One particularly nice afternoon, we took a coffee break to the park.
A favorite shot of my handsome little man!
And another of my sweet middle!
Not so sweet, but depicting her humor none the less!
While not so much my favorite photo, documenting me being there just the same!
Since Thanksgiving was late this year, I caved into Shiloh's repeated requests to decorate early.
She was clearly in her happy place!
We finished it up the following day with the  Christmas tree.  The Russell girls were over and great participants.

While I wasn't feeling super great, I did agree to a picture.
Coveted position of topping placement (we couldn't find our star).
Then Shiloh got to help decorate the tree at Grammy and Poppy's house, double the pleasure!
Oh course the other littles were apart, too.
Some very candid shots one of my littles took when they found my camera at the family dinner table.
They are real life that I wanted to include them!
There is something so calming about a sleeping little!
The decorating continued with one final touch that was new this year.
Beach set up a train set to go around the tree and both the boys were enthralled!
When I found an amazing deal on costumes, the kids had their pick for next year and were excited to try them out.
Despite me asking several times, Shiloh was not wanting any of them, but was bummed when the box came and she didn't have anything.  However, the outfit that did not fit me did make her happy!
Cheers to love...
and dancing into a new season.
When I showed mom how she could elevate her feet, Lydia was happy to join in.
Such a full and fun month, thankful for November.

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