We had a recent scare when Zoe got bit in the face by a large boxer while visiting our friends. I hadn't been so worried about her that night, as she tends to be pretty gentle with animals and things in general. However, when she made a loud cry/scream, while under the table, accompanied by a loud bark from the dog, my heart sunk. I knew that cry was more than just being scared, it wasn't good. I scooped her crying self up and she rested her head on my shoulder. However when she looked at me she had blood all over her face, especially around her eye. That sent my heart racing and me running to the bathroom. The few times that I have been worried about her in such a way always seems to produce the same response, grab her and run away. I'm sure it is apart of the flight or fight built in us all but not sure what the purpose of my doing so is....except to maybe have her away from everything and allow my own tears to fall (which they seemed to do instantly anyway).
Luckily the bleeding did not last long, but one of the wounds was on her eyelid and looked concerning. Her tears did not last long either, much shorter than mine. She looked at me as I held her, pointed to them falling down my checks and said, "It's okay." The comfort of a toddler. But was it okay? We didn't know, so off to the ER we went.
Luckily it wasn't to late that we could go to one that was smaller near our house. They were great, friendly, excited to see us...not sure if it was Zoe's infectious smile and personality or my big belly hanging out. They gave Zo some crayons and a coloring book. When we sat down at a table to color, she asked to pray. It was so precious and what we needed to do! So we did, right in the middle of the waiting area.

She was a trooper and later found some fun gloves to play with. Turns out that where both of the wounds were at would be able to heal themselves. Although sooooo close to being very serious. I'm so thankful for the Lord's protection in that area and struggle to think of what could have happened in such a close call.
However, I couldn't seem to stop crying that night and even some the next couple of days. At that point, I knew she would be okay but fear shook me to think of how vulnerable life truly is, how much control we really don't have, how I have so little ability to keep this little one that I cherish so much "safe" from the world out there. I trust in the Lord's provision, but also know that that does not guarantee a life without heartache. I know many that have experienced such, and yet God is still sovereign and hold us in His arms regardless. May the words that we sung today at church always, no matter the circumstances resonate deep within. "It is well. It is well. It is well with my soul."
Jessica, your insights never fail to amaze me. What a blessing you are to me and our family.