We really enjoyed the many things of Florida (see post 1, post 2, post 3). Thankfully my cousin and her littles were able to hang out again!
She took us to this amazing facility, Rock the Spectrum, that had great toys and swings of all types!
We all had a blast!
The boys spent countless times riding their cars on this track.
It was so adorable that Franky would always wait for Ez...
And then Ez would always watch him smiling and so excited!
For someone with sensory issues, this place was perfect for Shiloh (and all the kids)!

When they pulled out this swing...no lie I really wanted to try it!
When they pulled out this swing...no lie I really wanted to try it!
Zoe's strong core helped her make it work!
The Perez kids were experts on the biplane!
Although this little 2-year-old could hold her own!!
They also had a ton of dress-up...
And art supplies!
The big cousins! So thankful for this awesome momma in the middle and miss her so much!
That night we finally made it to the pool where we were staying. My back was hurting a bit, so Lauren and I hit the hot tub first.
Can we please not talk about how it looks like I'm wearing a helmet for my hair...and have an odd neck?
My little monkey!
These goggles were hilarious! Shiloh was so excited to wear them and go under water but they made her face look so different and pig like! I couldn't stop laughing!
Zoe attempted many times to face her fears and jump into the water. Even watching her cousins doing so several times, she was still pretty timid, despite desperately wanting to do so!
We had to head inside during sunset...and Ms. Thing insisted in looking like this, shades and all with a serious face!
When we got back to our room that night we were so itchy!! We realized later that this was probably due to the older pool and having fiberglass! Ugggg.....quick baths made for an even later bed time
However over all, it was another blast of a day and the kids should sleep well!
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