During our trip to Florida we were, also, excited to get to see my dad's side of the family. We headed over to my Aunt Maggie's house, which I like to lovingly refer to as the Radd Resort. She takes after her mother (my Grammy) for being the hostess with the mostest!
Of course she had an amazing cheese bar set up when we got there.
We all partook and enjoyed greatly!
My cousin is raising chickens and Ezra was pretty brave to pet one.
Then it was long anticipated pool time!
The cutest little four-year-old curly hair second cousins.
It was so great to catch up with everyone, as we have only had Facebook to see all the growth in years!
My cousin, Jen, has her son and daughter the exact same age as my oldest two!
Jen got a hold of my camera and proceeded to take selfies with everyone in the pool area.
It was hilarious to find on my phone later....
and I'm so glad she did, as I have more record of all the swimmers!
Although not intentional, Ezra does look like he is about to do something to Jen's head!
Jen just missed a few people who weren't pool side and unfortunately I don't have a picture to capture them!
Don't worry, if you get tired you can always take a rest on a comfy ice-cream sandwich.
Maggie had these awesome glasses and SOMEHOW we managed to get a picture of all of them wearing a pair, even looking at the camera!
There is always an amazing treat to top things off.
Take a look at this amazing "sand castle" and the hostess!
A short walk down the beautiful road and we got to see Rebecca's house being built!
Later, a brief storm brought us inside where Jen painted 50 little toes.
Cousin Rebecca had some major reading skills and kept the girls captivated!
Ezra made it through most of the day but later on we snuck away and took a power nap together!
We all love being at the Radds and ended crashing for the whole day! Ezra even posed with someone other than his mama (he was still not feeling well and extremely clingy)!
My girls will miss these ladies!! Fortunately it won't be as long until we get to see them again!
I can't thank the Radd's enough for such a blast of a day that will hold many memories for years to come!
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