So, yes, I maybe a little far behind with many things but I just discovered the Instagram app with my phone and have been having some fun with it! Basically just a different filter on my camera phone, but it makes the pictures look a lot more fun! Here are some glances I captured from the past couple of weeks:

How Zoe wants to be now that Shiloh is here....doesn't want to be left out at that we can enjoy a nice spring day!

I know of a little girl who loves her new daddy!

Ok...didn't really get a chance to play with the filters on theses pics...but cute non the less.

Cousin time! Shiloh still likes to impersonate a burrito...or glow worm.

2 week check up...everything was great (besides them having to draw a ton of blood, as the hospital messed up her test)....She even gained a little eater (the goal is that they get back to their birth weight by this check up, but since she only lost an oz at the hospital...that was not to hard!).
I think I will have fun with this new camera feature!
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